If the time on now is the first time i join the debate match...
I will feel now is an end of my debate...
If the time on now is the time when i am enjoy the match...
I will feel now is just a start of my debate...
Senior said...
throughout the debate...maybe from the experience...we will gain more and more other than experience and pride...
Senior said...
debate is a good way to improve our personality...
Senior said...
debate is how and what the good are there...
Senior said...
Senior said...
They let me have a good expectation on debate...
But when i have consider clearly...
Is it they talk will be 100% correct?
Is it the perfect theory will be practical?
Is it?
I don't know how to make a good decision...
I really have some interested in debate...
But maybe is just for fun?
Although the debate have given me a lot of experience...
And i also feel i have improved...
But overall...
Should i continue?
Due to PPF curve...
We know that when u spend a lot of time or effort into a things...
You will sacrifice more resource of another things...
If i compare this debate with my study...
If i join more debate...will i sacrifice more my study?
This is what i think...
Maybe i am not use my time efficiency...
But we cannot deny the truth that is a perfect theory not the must will be practical...
So i still consider...
What should i choice...
Start or End?
I use a mixed way...
I will try to join debate for more a while first...
Then i will see is it the effect of i join debate will more than what we lose in study or not...
So i have to improve my other ability at the same time...
Time management...
Mental challenge...
I will choice...start...
I wont know when will be the end...
But i have tried...
"There have a chocalate box...You won't know what kind of chocolate will be inside the box...Let us to try first..."
Try and try and try...
So i will try first...
Perhaps there isn't any start and end in every sinngle dream, it is a matter of passion. Doing a thing you like is much more important than a thing you should, there might be some hurdles in your life, but the journey never ended, the memory never faded-- quote from the dream maker