What to say?
Form 5...
I got a "gang of friends"...
Hopefully...i was one of them...
They always played themselves...
I was super inactive to make fun with them...
I got a gang of friends...
We played together....
We make fun together...
We always make new friends...
Degree year...
My life is sucks...
I always be alone...
I make some friends...
Ya... Just some...
I am super double missing the feeling of a gang of friends that play together and study together...
But somehow...
Environment changed me...
Or i am still can't adapt the new rhythm...
That's all my problem...
Since something cannot be changed anymore which is i am no longer a party of Melaka campus...
So...I also must change my mind...change my style...
A better mind and a better style...
That's the reality..