During 2 weeks holiday...
Ray asked himself about what he want in future...
Social position?
He read a book about time management...
The author write a fantastic sentence...
"There is only 24 hours for everyday and for everybody...
Nobody will be excluded..."
24 hours...
Reduce 8 sleeping hours...
Reduce 8 working hours or class hours...
We still have 8 hours to do learning...
But what we did?
Most of the time...
We waste time on those unproductive matters...
Watch 3 movies within a week...
Sing k twice in a week...
And...online whole day...
Time is wasted...
Since everybody get 24 hours equally...
Why there is somebody can earn 10k per hours and somebody earn nothing?
Because those people who earn nothing do not cherish time...
We have 24 hours per day...
But so how?
There is still many people nag about time is not enough...
Just wanna laugh at this incorrect thought...
"Time is always enough...when you do correct things..."
This is a sentence which post against the wall of MMU Melaka campus library...
If you are one of them who complain about not enough time...
Why don't you think about what you want in future...
Because of you do not know what you want...so you agree that you do nothing is a correct move...
A person who have a dream to be a great artist...
He or she will use the current time to improve his or her skill...
He or she will use the current time to searching inspiration of drawing...
A person who wanna be a excellent lawyer...
He or she will finds tools and ways to sharpen their mouth in court...
He or she will reads a lot of psychology books to make sure the motive of offender or anyone...
If we do not want to be a person who have a boring life...a meaningless life...
We should start to know...
"What we want?"
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