Few minutes ago, there's a sudden image on my mind...
"When i was 7 or 8, my father did bought me a gaming system(don't think it is play station)"
The feeling is so strong that i really love my dad a lot...
But of course between dad and me, we won't show it directly by any action or speaking...
I feel so graceful that my dad gave me a good education...
Good education doesn't mean the top result in school or class, but it is more concern about learning...
A lot of parents, teachers, and even principals are just too concern about the result, the figure on the test paper...
They might think that the % is so important to us...
And i got to say, yes, it is important, but still, it is not the most important thing to us...
We need an education system which give us knowledge under moral...
Without moral, anything we learned is just nothing...
The knowledge that we got, we can use it to make contribution to our social, and also make disaster to our social...
Do you think the harmful foods created by a non-knowledge people?
The harmful foods consists of a lot of harmful materials which should not be taken by human, but who make those foods? Businessman? Yes, but who teach them?
Expert said, those harmful materials added into foods is suggested by those Phd people, Master Degree people...
They have the knowledge, they should not suggest those harmful chemical things be added inside foods...
Why they do so?
One reason--They have knowledge, but without moral value added...
That's why i said, i love my dad...
He taught me how to behave like a real human...
We are not the best of the social, but we do not cheat...
We are not the wealth people, but we do not buy luxury...
Thanks to my dad, he never buy a new gaming system to me after my first one...
Thanks to him, as what i can have now, my U-life and my knowledge...