Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I will post my experience during my 2012 movie...
I also will post some mandarin article...
Just get it out...

During the movie running...
Somebody at the back were talking through the phone...
He say loud and loud...
We make the sound ''shit....."ady...


I think he is crazy while he is also watch the movie "2012"...
If i am a gangster...
Sure...He will eat punch...
Okay...i am a good boy...
I just say..."what the la...."
Not so rude...

Come on...
Let us see about the real things in this movie...

2012年世界末日已證實 地球終結日,將在2012年發生 聞聲國際的作家、工程師兼業餘科學家[摩利斯.科特羅(MAURICE COTTERELL)]精於瑪雅古文明研究,他從許多古廟與碑石中發現了一組一再重複出現的密碼:1366560.若將這個密碼的單位視為"天",則換算為年的話,為3740這個年數.根據瑪雅文獻的記載,地球每隔3740年就會被毀滅一次,而地球生命在過去已曾被毀滅四次.換言之,現代人類應已是地球第五代子孫了. 摩利斯將瑪雅文化中的聖數1366560與太陽磁場變化週期,這二個表面上毫不相干的事連接在一起.科學的計算顯示太陽磁極每隔3740年就會對調一次,而3740年就會對調一次,而3740年剛好是1366560天換算的年數.由於地球的磁場受到太陽磁場很大的牽制,當太陽磁極逆轉時,摩利斯推論地球磁極也跟著對調,令地球磁極南北兩球互換.生物無法適應突然發生重大氣候變化,而集體死亡.長毛象堅信是熱帶地區的生物,但由於磁極的對調,使它們生存的地方變成天寒地凍的不毛之地,於是發生長毛象在西伯利亞、阿拉斯加集體死亡的事件.而考古學上的證據顯示這二個地方原本屬於熱帶氣候的. 地球滅亡之日 古瑪雅人早就已經將那個日子準確地算出來.在不少預言中,年代記載最完整的,算是<克奧第特蘭年代記>.它說我們得知第五太陽紀於西元前3113年.在經歷瑪雅大週期的5125年後,第五太陽紀迎向最終.與現在西曆相對照的話,便可知[太陽紀]將於[某紀的某日]結束.這個終結日,就在西元2012年12月22日的前後。 也許..大家可能不會相信.因為開始我也是這樣的..但是.後來,我看了下相關資料.覺的有些奇怪...之前完全不相信的態度也有所改變.. 瞭解歷史的親可能都知道 消失的瑪雅文明吧..瑪雅人在一瞬間全部消失..誰也不知道他們去了哪裡.至今,這仍是一個密團.但是.瑪雅人留給我們太多的問題了...他們的預言百分之99都變成了現實..他們預測到了汽車,飛機的生產日期.有些親可能會問.他們怎麼會知道以後有一種東西叫做汽車..這也正是奇怪的地方.在埃及.一些瑪雅文明研究者.在他們生活的地方和一些石頭上發現了這些.他們預測了西特勒出生和死亡的日期..完全一樣.... 人類歷史上的3次大浩劫...其中一次就出現的瑪雅人身上..即使他們預測到了也改變不了.....那一次..就是上面我所說的 消失的瑪雅文明. 依照瑪雅曆法,地球由始到終分為五個太陽紀,分別代表五次浩劫,其中四個浩劫已經過去,當第五個太陽紀來臨,太陽會消失,大地劇烈搖晃,災難四起,地球會徹底毀滅,按照馬雅曆法是三一一三年,換算為西曆便是二○一二年十二月二十二日。雖然很多民族都有末日預言,但為何瑪雅人所說的末日預言,會受到人們的重視,原因是瑪雅曆法的計算,非常準確,從瑪雅人的曆法得知,他們早已知道地球公轉時間,是三百六十五日又六小時又二十四分二十秒,誤差非常之少。另外對於其他星體的運行時間,在計算上亦非常準確,對於數學上「○」的單位數位,早在三千年前,瑪雅人已經使用而且他們所繪製的航海圖.比現在任何一個都要精確... 瑪雅人說2012年12月21日的黑夜降臨以後,12月22日的黎明永遠不會到來... 而他們預測世界末日的毀滅方式是...人類自殺...剩下的人自相殘殺....美國航天局和世界上一些著名的語言家都證實了瑪雅的預言.. 當然...這些並不絕對....只是有一點...瑪雅人所說的2012年...地球將會發生重大的改變...這是肯定的... 22日晚00.00點,天空變的異常悶熱,人們有的睡著了,有的還是過著一樣的夜生活,忽然,黑夜大地被照的通紅毛,天空出現耀眼的火光…隨之狂風大起…大地開始巨烈搖晃,啪,啪…"下火雨了"只聽到有人在叫…當人們還在以為這是獨特的自然景象時,卻不知道浩劫就要來了…一顆直徑達半個地球大小的隕石直奔地球而來,……救命啊…整個地球處於火熱的地獄大地在燃燒…10級地震,完了,徹底的…轟…隕石降臨了,衝擊波強於1000億個原子彈,…整個世界崩潰,橫屍億裏…是的上一次是恐龍,而這次…23日,黑暗,整個地球,回到了幾千億年前的冰川時代…人類時代徹底的被畫上了句號。

This is the email that i received...
I just take it easy...
Think optimistic...
I do what i can do...
That is the way i think...
I will never afraid about the end...
This is because our life is just like dream...

I want to warn all people in this world...

Please silent in cinema...^^


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Start or End

If the time on now is the first time i join the debate match...
I will feel now is an end of my debate...
If the time on now is the time when i am enjoy the match...
I will feel now is just a start of my debate...

Senior said...
throughout the debate...maybe from the experience...we will gain more and more other than experience and pride...
Senior said...
debate is a good way to improve our personality...
Senior said...
debate is how and what the good are there...
Senior said...
Senior said...

They let me have a good expectation on debate...
But when i have consider clearly...
Is it they talk will be 100% correct?
Is it the perfect theory will be practical?
Is it?

I don't know how to make a good decision...
I really have some interested in debate...
But maybe is just for fun?
Although the debate have given me a lot of experience...
And i also feel i have improved...
But overall...
Should i continue?

Due to PPF curve...
We know that when u spend a lot of time or effort into a things...
You will sacrifice more resource of another things...
If i compare this debate with my study...
If i join more debate...will i sacrifice more my study?
This is what i think...

Maybe i am not use my time efficiency...
But we cannot deny the truth that is a perfect theory not the must will be practical...
So i still consider...
What should i choice...
Start or End?

I use a mixed way...
I will try to join debate for more a while first...
Then i will see is it the effect of i join debate will more than what we lose in study or not...
So i have to improve my other ability at the same time...
Time management...
Mental challenge...

I will choice...start...
I wont know when will be the end...
But i have tried...

"There have a chocalate box...You won't know what kind of chocolate will be inside the box...Let us to try first..."
Try and try and try...
So i will try first...


Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Hainan group member...not bad...

Human development video assignment...we are the 6 bf in the group...

My MMU brother...He is Kim Keng...


Debate...They are my teammate...

Yesterday, i went to debate...
When i reached the venue...the last match before our match was still continue...
I looked at the question...
The question is something like...frienship is maintained by benefit...
I am dislike this reality, we cant say this is wrong...


What i wanna say is...
For me...friendship is not bulided onto benefit...
Our friendship will not because of benefit argue to become broke...

From the hainan camp...
Until the debate...
During this period...i know many friends...
And i am not because of benefit to become their friend...
Luckily...I have a lot of best friends...

In the hainan camp...i learned how to become brave...
In this camp...i was suggest myself to be the leader in the group...
In this few days...maybe i was still not a good leader...but i become better and better... the highest post in group...means that the member will support you...

In the process of assignment...
I was also the leader...
I tried to organize my team...
I was enjoy in the assignment... let me happy and laugh and enjoy the life with you guys...

Kim Keng...
I do not have to say a lot things to you here...
Because i discover...
We start know our heart of each other...slowly and slowly...
We have the same thinking...

Debate teammate...
Let us to appreciate our every chance...
Do not regret when we miss something...
Let us to strive what we should get...
We start to rush to our target...
Win and enjoy the next game...



Monday, November 16, 2009


Strive what we can...
We have lose...
We lose our 2nd match...
We only lose one match...
We havent lose our ambition...
We lose some...but we gain some...

Because of lose...
I want to use all my energy and spend it into next match...
I do not want only win the match...
I want enjoy the match...
I see the lose as my motivation to push me to win the next match...
I will do better...
I had say it before...
I will become better...

When the result of the match is come out...
Within one brain is blank...
Within one thought is all about the experience from i join the group...until we lose...

When i step in our group...i am not spend all my effort in debate match...
Whatever i just want to complete my mission...
My mission is only to make up the proper number to represent...
My way is...i just join...i will not give much on this debate...

But...after result is come out...
I feel sad..
Sad happened...because i am start to like debate...
I feel sad..
Although i am not the representative...
I feel sad..
Because i mind it...

I wanna cry...

When i am not put effort...
When i am not enjoy the match...
When i am not in the good performance...

While i am put much of effort on this...
While i am enjoy the debate...
While i wanna show we are good...
My team...lose...

But i stop to sad...crying have been stop in my heart...
I want to look forward to my third fourth match...
I want to put myself into the match...
I do not want to miss anything again...
Come on...saturday debate...
Confidence is fully now...
Chance is only be given once at a time...
I have prepared...We will make it...
All my teammate...just go brave...

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Because of Debate...

This is what i do during prepare our debate...i try to let my script is suit to my 3 minutes time i make it...i say out what i should say within 3 minutes...happy...

They are my teammate...they are the 2nd and 3rd speakers in first debate...
Right side's guy is our us a lot...Thanks a lot to him..

All my first debate teammates are here...Except our "dailou"...Weilson...I will introduce him on next week...^^

This is the situation when we are in debate....


This few days debate is around me...
This status will continue until next saturday...
This debate experience is good to me...


At first...I had consider to give up...
At that time...debate seniors talk a lot to me...
And i accept...but still neglect...
Aiya...because of debate...i put a lot of time into it...
But...after the winning of my first debate...
We discuss a lot...
I really want to strive in this debate...

I find back my track...
I find back my way...



Friday, November 13, 2009

Mess up...give up...

I still remember what i had promised to my dad before i come MMU...
I say i will concentrate on my study...
I wanna get scholarship...
I have say many time on this...
I don't want to say anymore on this...

My self-management...poor...
My direction is lost...
My attitude had been changed to bad...
My life had been mess up...

If i can have a chance to restart...
If i can allocate my time averagely...
If i can...


My world have been messed up...
I would like to give up...
My lazy worm come out...
I become a success dodgeballer...i used to flee...
Havent even start my real study on Human development and Computer application...
I also not hear about what the lecturer says in my economic lesson...

BUSY and BUSY and BUSY...
But i don't know what i am busy...
I almost crazy...
I cant get poor result...
I want to get back all i lose...


Where is my 4flat life?


Tuesday, November 3, 2009


What is the mean for study?
Is it just flip the note or book?
Is it just hear the things that lecturer says in lecture?


Study is...any process to gain the knowledge...
Study is...when we read the note or book, we have to think about what it talking about...Not just see...actually, more thinking can let us remember more clearly the things we read...
Study is...when lecturer are talking, we should try to know what they say, but not just write out what they talk...
Study is...learn the things, and can use it or apply it in our real life...although not all the subjects we can apply in real life...but at least we can create our own example...not just hear and agree...
Study is...while you are absorb the lecture...please try doubt the things we learn...don't 100% believe what been given...
Sometime, what we learn, are not true...
Sometime, what we learn, might be true...but not practical in our real life...
Sometime, what we learn, we also don't know what we are learn...

Please be a thoughtful person...
Learning is around us everytime...
NOT just from book...
NOT just from note...
and sure NOT just from lecturer...

Think about it...